
  • Eighth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) Paris School of Economics, July 2019.
  • Royal Economic Society (RES) Annual Conference 2019, the University of Warwick, April 2019.
  • Sustainability and Development Conference, Michigan University, November 2018.
  • 35TH IARIW General Conference, Copenhagen, August 2018.
  • 7TH Workshop on Risk Management and Insurance (RISK), Santander, April 2018.
  • 32ND Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Lisbon, August 2017.
  • Seventh Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) , The Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York City, July 2017.
  • Development in the Face of Global Inequalities,  Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), May 2017.
  • APPAM International Conference, Inequalities: Addressing the Growing Challenge for Policymakers Worldwide. London School of Economics. June 2016.
  • Sixth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ). Luxembourg, July 2015.
  •  Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (IME). University of Liverpool (England). June 2015.
  • XXIII Public Economics Meeting. Santander (Spain). January 2015.
  • X Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare, Alba di Canazei (Italy). January 2015.
  •  XI Foro Internacional sobre Evaluación de la Calidad en la Investigación y la Educación Superior. Bilbao (Spain). July 2014.
  • XXI Encuentro Internacional de Profesores Universitarios de Matemáticas en Economía y Empresa (ASEPUMA). Málaga (Spain)., July 2014.
  • XV Iberian-Italian Congress of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics. Sevilla (Spain). October 2014.
  •  VI conference of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resource and Environmental Economics (AERNA). Gerona (Spain), September 2014.
  •  International Conference on Advances in Management, Economics and Social Science. Rome (Italy). June 2014.
  • XXI Public Economics Meeting. Gerona (Spain), January 2014.
  • Workshop on Economics of Energy Efficiency. Reus (Spain). December 2013.
  • XXXIX International Conference on Regional Science. Oviedo (Spain). November 2013.
  • International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications. Mt Pleasant (USA). October 2013.
  • Fifth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ). Bari (Italy). July 2013.
  • International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE). Istanbul (Turkey). June 2013.
  •  7th International Workshop on Simulation. Rimini (Italy). May 2013.
  • XXVII International Conference in Applied Economics. Zaragoza (Spain). July 2013.
  • XV World Economic Meeting. Santander (Spain). June 2013.
  • 75th International Atlantic Economic Meeting.Vienna (Austria). April 2013.
  • XX Meeting of Public Economics. Sevilla (Spain). January 2013.
  • 10th International Conference on ordered Statistical Data and Their Applications. Murcia (Spain).
  • International Conference on Regional Science. Bilbao (Spain). November 2012.
  • XXV International Conference of Applied Economics. Santander (Spain). June 2011.
  •  XIII World Economic Meeting. San Sebastián (Spain). May 2011.